
How Do Pediatric Ophthalmologists Manage Amblyopia?

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Pediatric ophthalmologists appear to approach amblyopia management differently, according to a recent study. Investigators administered a 10-question survey to 74 pediatric ophthalmologists. Among the findings: 

  • Three-fourths said they would prescribe refractive correction to 3-year-olds with untreated anisometropic amblyopia prior to initiating occlusion therapy. 
  • In children with coexisting exotropia, 57% recommended refractive and occlusion therapy until significant visual improvement, then surgery.
  • However, 30% would perform surgery sooner.
  • 57% said they would stop occlusion therapy at ≥10 years of age. 

You can read more here.

Laplant J, Vagge A, Nelson L. Practice Patterns in the Management of Amblyopia: A Survey Study. [Published online March 16, 2018]. Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. 


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